
New visual identity and site design for Denmarks most vibrant media house


»Only the imagination limits what a fifth element can be«* After 15 years with the same logo, it was time for a thorough update, of the overall visual identity for JP/Politikens Hus. I like to share the story behind my studios work.

The logo challenge was the name »JP/Politikens Hus«. It is both linguistic and visually challenging. The name is a fusion between two strong media brands: »Jyllands-Posten«, shortened to »JP«, and »Politiken« and the word: »Hus«, the danish word for »House«. It’s a combination that I found a bit tricky to make strong … visually.

This media house rest on a long and strong tradition in publishing, with the newspapers:  Jylland-Posten , founded in 1871, and Politiken in 1884.

I wanted to somehow visually describe the vibrant feeling, of this danish media house, which led me to be inspired by the modernistic idea of an open house and in particular the famous Barcelona pavilion, designed by Mies Van de Rohe, in 1929. The design element is describing the roof top of a building, and the pillar to hold it up. This simple form I used together with the name to create a new design element that visually made the name somehow stronger.

The logotype is based on the typeface »Graphik«, designed by Christian Schwartz, and completed as an open type font by Commercial type.

Site design

An important part of the project has been to modernise the media house site: jppol.dk, The project included a new structure, design, type and visuals.

It was a fun challenge to find out a way to communicate the different parts of a media house in visuals. The black and white portraits (showed on top of site), visualise the brand message: »We create enlightened citizens«. The portraits are shoot by the award-winning photographer: Peter Hove Olesen, Politiken. The award-winning photograper: Jakob Ehrbahn (also Politiken), created pictures from the outside and inside the house, see section; About us and some of the key brand visuals for the core publication & businesses . Thanks for helping me in the selection: photo editor: Tomas Borberg, Politiken.


The identity colours are monochrome and based on white and black, warm and cool grey, to resemble the fundament, and open house of stones and pillars.

For the contemporary mix, I proposed a few accent colour to give a ’pinch’ when it’s needed. The green colour, is inspired by the danish design icon Arne Jacobsen famous design of the SAS hotel in Copenhagen in 1955-1960, still possible to view in room 606. For information graphs I suggested to add a red colour, inspired by the typical red stone bricks, on many of the Copenhagen buildings.

* The fifth element quote, is a phrase from the book: »Mark’s of Excellence« by danish design professor Per Mollerup.

See more on my site annathurfjell.com and jppol.dk

JP/Politikens Hus press-release (in danish): https://jppol.dk/pressemeddelelser/jp-politikens-hus-opdaterer-visuel-identitet/