Visual storytelling for mobile first stories

I held a 2 day’s w-shop in Helsinki, with visual- and newsroom- teams together with Steffen Ørsted, visual and design manager, at Hufvudstadsbladet.

Hufvudstadsbladet (HBL) is the highest-circulation Swedish-language newspaper in Finland.

The workshop was set up in 3 sessions:

  • Visuals are the driver: how to think visuals in a mobile first way.
  • Global inspiration: benchmark of news media in visual storytelling.
  • Sketch long form: We sketched ideas together on how to present the long form storytelling.

The workshop was part of the studios project to design a new design system for all stories, aiming to improve the visual presentation, overall look and feel and UX design.

The project scope was to design a multi article design system for three news medias owned by Hufvudstadsbladet:, borgå and vä

The story design for, also looked at the readability, usability and an upgrade of the colour- and icon- system.

The visuals are showing examples of the chosen design sketches the studio designed in Figma. When working with HBL it was independent and today its part of Bonnier News Local.