feb 3, 2016

Responsive news typography

written by Anna Thurfjell

Recently I did some interesting type work for www.svd.se , yesterday it was out online (16-02-02).
When helping dear old collegue: Linda Häggström at Svenska Dagbladet, Stockholm, to adjust the responsive headlines, the question was: what size would the reader prefer the story in? The headlines on a news site are sort of the main key entrance regardless what platform he or she uses. When a reader land on a page of any form of story, usually it starts with a headline. What’s special about designing typography for a responsive news site is to put yourself into the that reader experience. The reader is often on the “move” between different platforms and it’s crucial to minimize the friction of following a story and moving trough the site.

Today it’s also of most importance to have a clear design DNA; a clear digital design. SvD has developed clear type DNA in their customized elegant type face Sueca, through many years.

Sueca is designed exclusively for SvD in 2009 by typeface designer Mário Feliciano


Read the story about customized Sueca typeface deisgned by Feliciano (here).

The fine work of hand hinting the headline styles of the Sueca web version are made by Göran Söderström at Letters from Sweden http://lettersfromsweden.se/