

Parnaso — A printed object for a typeface
Books, Typography
Visual storytelling and UX design for Hufvudstadsbladet Ab
Digital, Typography
Brand design update for BA, Bergensavisen
Digital, Typography
Brand visual identity for city news titles
Digital, Typography
New digital design system for 60 news sites in Finland
Digital, News design, Typography
New designsystem for 78 newspapers
Identity, Interview, News design, Typography
New logo for JP/Politiken Media Group
Digital, Identity, Typography
Improving the Jyllands-Posten logo to the 21 st century media landscape
Digital, Identity, Typography
New digital design for Jyllands-Posten, Denmark’s strongest news brand
Digital, Identity, Magazine design, Typography
Design concept for research magazine
Interview, Magazine design, Typography
Magazine design for Ergoterapeuten
Magazine design, Typography
The redesign of »Vi« — A Swedish magazine classic
Digital, Identity, Magazine design, Typography
New visual identity and site design for Denmarks most vibrant media house
Digital, Identity, Typography
The redesign of Norway’s largest newspaper — Aftenposten
Digital, Identity, News design, Typography
The revival of Aftenposten logo
Identity, News design, Typography
Type in the streaming era
Digital, Motion
Future Thinking Concept
Books, Digital, Identity, Motion, Typography
Sueca —The DNA of Svenska Dagbladet
Identity, Typography
The redesign of Berlingske — A newspaper icon.
Digital, Identity, Magazine design, News design, Typography
Type-identity for danish business brand Finans.dk
Digital, Identity
Svenska Dagbladet — Digital development projects
Digital, Identity, News design, Typography
A design study of the Nobel Prize
Svenska Dagbladet — A typeinnovation of a brand
Digital, Identity, Magazine design, News design, Typography
Magazine design with type personality
Magazine design, News design
Svenska Dagbladet — the visual identity
Identity, Typography
Visual storytelling for digital longform
Magazine design for home & living
Identity, Magazine design