feb 27, 2017

A Newspaper design report from St Pete, Florida

written by Anna Thurfjell

An amazing experience to take part in the Society for news design 38 competition, this year the SND competition was held in the Coliseum, in St Petersburg, Florida; a ballroom from the twenties with a glamorous atmosphere and charm. Visual ideas are so important and by awarding excellent ideas we learn, getting better, by sharing our knowledge. It was an honour to be part of the WBD jury, this year, it was a hard job and we tried to be fare. First we narrowed down to 22: http://www.snd.org/2017/02/snd38-entries-for-worlds-best-designed-newspaper-narrowed-down-to-22/

Then the 5 World’s Best judges narrowed down more than 170 entries to 12.  The World’s Best Designed Newspaper/s will be announced on April 21 at SND’s annual workshop. Until then, congratulate and read the list: http://www.snd.org/2017/02/snd38-announcing-the-12-finalists-for-worlds-best-designed-newspaper/

The New York Times win a gold and The Best In show this year for ‘They Are Slaughtering Us Like Animals’, it’s  a breathtaking and important visual journalism of it’s best kind. http://www.snd.org/2017/02/snd38-awards-best-in-show-to-the-new-york-times/

The development of information graphics the past years both in print and digital is impressive. The New York Times, ‘Wapo’ and LA Times, Spanish and South americans papers learned us a lot about visualising data and the the art of ”Show don’t tell” over the past years.  El Telégrafo, Guayaquil, Ecuador did a very fine work and was awarded with an Award of Excellence and The South China Morning Post http://www.snd.org/2017/02/snd38-award-of-excellence-winners/  Middle east papers does very exciting stuff too… See Times of Oman https://twitter.com/SND/status/833782572857556992

There are so many great coverdesign to see, frontpages and section fronts and sometimes it’s the cat that makes you laugh that we remember. ’Nicht lustig!’ (“Not funny”) about Brexit was a really clever coverdesign of a section front, by Die Zeit, awarded with medal. However visual ideas is not just about great infographics, photography and illustrations. It’s about clear graphic design ideas too.The Guardian had a smart way of using yellow colour all way through 30-40 days of revealing the ‘Panaoma Papers’: http://www.snd.org/2017/02/snd38-medal-winners/

The judge special recognition goes to The Boston Globe for a strong and clear graphic for a whole frontpage and editorial: ’Make it Stop – Ban these Guns’. For more inspiration see also the Individual portfolio with so many great design ideas http://www.snd.org/2017/02/snd38-individual-portfolio-winners/

As we speak, the digital awards are being selected. Stay tuned at: https://twitter.com/SND